Tuesday, January 23, 2018


I'm not the best writer, but words always held a special magic for me. Perhaps it was what unconsciously prompted me toward a job in communications. Ironically it was also why i could never be a true agency person - i just wanted to be a masterful storyteller, not the digital maven with a perpetual finger on the pulse of social media, keen to integrate every damn function and farm clients for business.

In the time i've grown accustomed to churning out strategy decks, press releases, video storyboards and crisis statements... it somehow feels like i've forgotten how to really write.

I put on paper what others want to read. Usually succinct, sensible and carefully worded to include all relevant messaging in a brand's ever-evolving narrative.

Perhaps you lose your voice when you've adopted others' too often. Where's my voice? Is this it?

In this day and age it feels like we no longer have our own thoughts. We take piecemeal slivers of inspiration from friends and strangers, slowly brewing them into a cloud of thoughts we call our own.

A reminder to self to put pen to paper (or fingers to laptop keyboard) more often this year

Saturday, January 6, 2018

2018 Reading list: A work in progress

  1. The Kitchen Counter Cooking School, Kathleen Flinn
  2. Ginger and Ganesh: Adventures in love, cooking and food, Nani Power
  3. The Assembler of Parts, Raoul Wientzen
  4. The Secret Paris Cinema Club,  Nicolas Barreau
  5. Serve The People: A Stir-fried Journey through China, Jen Lin-Liu
  6. The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold
  7. Brida, Paulo Coelho 
  8. A Man Called Ove, Fredrik Backman
  9. Americanah, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie