Monday, July 16, 2018


Funny how we go about our days absorbing thousands of minute emotions and thoughts, filing them away in our hearts and heads. Only for them to come spilling out in waves when we read.

From ‘Brida’, by Paulo Coelho:
Only warriors choose how they will die, but that woman had given her life up for love, and perhaps, for her, love was a strange form of war.

Love and war — so opposing yet imperceptibly intertwined, often manifested as illusion/expectation and reality.

Coelho writes that women seek Soul Mates, and men Power. What a lofty statement. Don't we all seek both? Sadly we don't know what a Soul Mate is or if it even exists - so we're wont to seek Power...? Tangible, calculable power.

I pray one day we can proudly testify how strong real love can be. Not this fragile, fallible love that we grew up with.