Sunday, September 12, 2021

Blue moon

Once in a blue moon I feel a huge need to pen down my thoughts (too! many! too! overwhelming!), and I realise this blog still exists. I feel like I only ever come here when I'm desperately sad, or when I want to remind myself that I can write something other than comms material for a company that pays me. 

I have a stressful but well-paying job, a condo apt I'm paying off, family I love but frustrate the hell out of me, solid friends, a partner I'm trying to figure out if/how to move forward with. Seeming to have everything but always feeling strangely sad and discontent.

If that doesn't sound like a Sophie Kinsella protagonist I don't know what does. And in typical novella fashion I wish something *BIG* would happen that would help me figure out what's next. 

I want,

- a job I'm passionate about, that doesn't sap my energy

- an apt I can live in on my own sans family obligations

- to stay far away from my family, ideally separated by oceans (save for gran and gramps)

- a partner who understands me  

Let's see where things are in a year. Maybe I just gotta make the big thing happen on my own, before 30 or not.